The MDN project

MDN Web Docs is free-to-use resource on which we document the open web platform. Our mission is to provide developers with the information they need to easily build projects on the web platform.

This is the landing page for the MDN project itself. Here you'll find guides on how the site works, how we do our documentation, what guidelines and conventions we adhere to, and how you can help.

And we invite anyone to help! If you are interested in improving this essential web developer resource, you are welcome to add and edit content. You don't need to be a programmer or know a lot about technology; there are many different tasks that need to be performed, from the simple (proof-reading and correcting typos) to the complex (writing API documentation).

To find out how to help, visit our Contributing to MDN page. If you want to talk to us and ask questions, join the discussion on the MDN Web Docs chat room on Matrix.

About MDN Web Docs
MDN Web Docs (previously known as MDN — the Mozilla Developer Network) is an evolving learning platform for Web technologies and the software that powers the Web, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. We also have a detailed set of beginner's learning material — see Learn Web development.
Contributing to MDN
MDN Web Docs needs your help! We have a large number of typos to fix, examples to write, bugs to fix, people to talk to, and more, and the number is growing as more people start using the site. This page outlines what you can do to help.
Document structures
Throughout MDN, there are various document structures that are used repeatedly, to provide consistent presentation of information in MDN articles. Here are articles describing these structures, so that, as an MDN author, you can recognize, apply, and modify them as appropriate for documents you write, edit, or translate.
These guides provide details on how MDN documentation should be written and formatted, as well as how our code samples and other content should be presented. By following these guides, you can ensure that the material you produce is clean and easy to use.
MDN at 10
Celebrate 10 years of documenting your Web.
MDN Product Advisory Board
MDN Web Docs is a trusted source of technical documentation for web developers, built on an open-source web development documentation platform based on wiki technology, which allows virtually anyone to write and edit content.
MDN tools
MDN offers a number of features that make it easier to track progress, manage content, and keep up with the latest changes to the site.
The MDN Content Kitchensink
The kitchensink is a page that attempts to incorporate every possible content element and Yari macro.
Yari: MDN's rendering platform
Yari is the code that renders MDN Web Docs. It takes a JAMStack approach, which involves taking the MDN content stored as flat source files in a GitHub repo (which include front matter and macro calls), rendering them out to static HTML files, and serving those as quickly and efficiently as possible.