
A BrowserSetting object that can be used to control the position of newly opened tabs relative to already open tabs.

The underlying value is a string that can take one of three values:

  • "afterCurrent": Open all new tabs next to the current tab.
  • "relatedAfterCurrent": The default. Open new tabs next to the current tab if they are related to the current tab (for example, if they were opened via a link in the current tab). Otherwise, open new tabs at the end of the tabstrip.
  • "atEnd": Open all tabs at the end of the tabstrip.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser


This code sets the value to "afterCurrent" and then logs the new value:

async function setAfterCurrent() {
  let result = await browser.browserSettings.newTabPosition.set({value: "afterCurrent"});
  console.log(`Result: ${result}`);
  let newValue = await browser.browserSettings.newTabPosition.get({});
  console.log(`New value: ${newValue.value}`);