
Fired when a new window, or a new tab in an existing window, is created to host the target of a navigation. For example, this event is sent when:

  • the user opens a link in a new tab or window
  • a web page loads a resource into a new tab or window using window.open() (but note that the event is not sent if the browser's popup blocker blocks the load).

The event is not sent if a tab or window is created without a navigation target (for example, if the user opens a new tab by pressing Ctrl+T).

If this event is fired, it will be fired before webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.


  listener,                   // function
  filter                      // optional object

Events have three functions:


Adds a listener to this event.


Stop listening to this event. The listener argument is the listener to remove.


Check whether listener is registered for this event. Returns true if it is listening, false otherwise.

addListener syntax



Function that will be called when this event occurs. The function will be passed the following arguments:


object. Details about the navigation event. See details below.


object. An object containing a single property url, which is an Array of events.UrlFilter objects. If you include this parameter, then the event will fire only for transitions to URLs which match at least one UrlFilter in the array. If you omit this parameter, the event will fire for all transitions. Note that filter is not supported in Firefox.

Additional objects



integer. ID of the frame from which the navigation is initiated. 0 indicates that the frame is the tab's top-level browsing context, not a nested <iframe>. A positive value indicates that navigation is initiated from a nested iframe. Frame IDs are unique for a given tab and process.


integer. The ID of the process from which the navigation is initiated.


integer. The ID of the tab from which the navigation is initiated. For example, if the user opens a link in a new tab, this will be the ID of the tab containing the link.


integer. The ID of the newly created tab.


number. The time when the browser created the navigation target, in milliseconds since the epoch.


string. The URL which will be loaded in the new tab.


number. The ID of the window in which the new tab is created.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser


Logs the target URL, source Tab ID, and source frame ID for onCreatedNavigationTarget, if the target's hostname contains "example.com" or starts with "developer".

const filter = {
    {hostContains: "example.com"},
    {hostPrefix: "developer"}

function logOnCreatedNavigationTarget(details) {
  console.log(`onCreatedNavigationTarget: ${details.url}`);

browser.webNavigation.onCreatedNavigationTarget.addListener(logOnCreatedNavigationTarget, filter);

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.webNavigation API. This documentation is derived from web_navigation.json in the Chromium code.

Microsoft Edge compatibility data is supplied by Microsoft Corporation and is included here under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.