
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The Bluetooth.requestDevice() method of the Bluetooth interface returns a Promise to a BluetoothDevice object with the specified options. If there is no chooser UI, this method returns the first device matching the criteria.


  .then(function(bluetoothDevice) { /* ... */ })

Return value

A Promise to a BluetoothDevice object.


options Optional

An object that sets options for the device request. The available options are:

  • filters[]: An array of BluetoothScanFilters. This filter consists of an array of BluetoothServiceUUIDs, a name parameter, and a namePrefix parameter.
  • optionalServices[]: An array of BluetoothServiceUUIDs.
  • acceptAllDevices: A boolean value indicating that the requesting script can accept all Bluetooth devices. The default is false.


TypeError DOMException

Thrown if the provided options do not make sense. For example, options.filters is present and options.acceptAllDevices is true, or if options.filters is not present and options.acceptAllDevices is false. Or options.filters is [].

NotFoundError DOMException

Thrown if there is no Bluetooth device that matches the specified options.

SecurityError DOMException

Thrown if this operation is not permitted in this context due to security concerns. For example, it is called from insecure origin.


// Discovery options match any devices advertising:
// . The standard heart rate service.
// . Both 16-bit service IDs 0x1802 and 0x1803.
// . A proprietary 128-bit UUID service c48e6067-5295-48d3-8d5c-0395f61792b1.
// . Devices with name "ExampleName".
// . Devices with name starting with "Prefix".
// And enables access to the battery service if devices
// include it, even if devices do not advertise that service.
let options = {
  filters: [
    {services: ['heart_rate']},
    {services: [0x1802, 0x1803]},
    {services: ['c48e6067-5295-48d3-8d5c-0395f61792b1']},
    {name: 'ExampleName'},
    {namePrefix: 'Prefix'}
  optionalServices: ['battery_service']

navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice(options).then(function(device) {
  console.log('Name: ' +;
  // Do something with the device.
.catch(function(error) {
  console.log("Something went wrong. " + error);

Detailed examples are in the specification.


Web Bluetooth
# dom-bluetooth-requestdevice

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser