
Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The create() method of the CredentialsContainer interface returns a Promise that resolves with a new Credential instance based on the provided options, or null if no Credential object can be created.

Note: This method is restricted to top-level contexts. Calls to it within an <iframe> element will resolve without effect.


var promise = CredentialsContainer.create([options])



An object of type CredentialCreationOptions that contains options for the requested new Credentials object. It must include one of the options "password", "federated", or "publicKey". The options are:

  • password: Optional Either an HTMLFormElement, or a PasswordCredentialData object. TBD
  • federated: Optional An FederatedCredentialInit object. Contains requirements for creating/obtaining federated credentials. The available options are:
  • publicKey: Optional an object that describes the options for creating a WebAuthn credential containing the following properties:
    • rp: An object describing the relying party which requested the credential creation.
    • user: An object describing the user account for which the credential is generated.
    • challenge: A BufferSource, emitted by the relying party's server and used as a cryptographic challenge. This value will be signed by the authenticator and the signature will be sent back as part of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.attestationObject.
    • pubKeyCredParams: An Array of element which specify the desired features of the credential, including its type and the algorithm used for the cryptographic signature operations. This array is sorted by descending order of preference.
    • timeout Optional: A numerical hint, in milliseconds, which indicates the time the caller is willing to wait for the creation operation to complete. This hint may be overridden by the browser.
    • excludeCredentials Optional: An Array of descriptors for existing credentials. This is provided by the relying party to avoid creating new public key credentials for an existing user who already have some.
    • authenticatorSelection Optional: An object whose properties are criteria used to filter out the potential authenticators for the creation operation.
    • attestation Optional: A String which indicates how the attestation (for the authenticator's origin) should be transported.
    • extensions Optional: An object with several client extensions' inputs. Those extensions are used to request additional processing (e.g. dealing with legacy FIDO APIs credentials, prompting a specific text on the authenticator, etc.).


A Promise that resolves with a Credential instance, such as PasswordCredential, FederatedCredential, or PublicKeyCredential.


Credential Management Level 1
# dom-credentialscontainer-create

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser