
The entryType property returns a DOMString representing the type of performance metric such as, for example, "mark". This property is read only.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers


var type = entry.entryType;

Return value

The return value depends on the subtype of the PerformanceEntry object and affects the value of the property as shown by the table below.

Performance entry type names

Value Subtype Type of name property Description of name property
element PerformanceElementTiming DOMString Reports load time of elements.
navigation PerformanceNavigationTiming URL The document's address.
resource PerformanceResourceTiming URL The resolved URL of the requested resource. This value doesn't change even if the request is redirected.
mark PerformanceMark DOMString The name used when the mark was created by calling performance.mark().
measure PerformanceMeasure DOMString name used when the measure was created by calling performance.measure().
paint PerformancePaintTiming DOMString Either 'first-paint' or 'first-contentful-paint'.
longtask PerformanceLongTaskTiming DOMString reports instances of long tasks


The following example shows the use of the entryType property.

function run_PerformanceEntry() {

  // check for feature support before continuing
  if (performance.mark === undefined) {
    console.log("performance.mark not supported");

  // Create a performance entry named "begin" via the mark() method

  // Check the entryType of all the "begin" entries
  var entriesNamedBegin = performance.getEntriesByName("begin");
  for (var i=0; i < entriesNamedBegin.length; i++) {
      var typeOfEntry = entriesNamedBegin[i].entryType;
      console.log("Entry is type: " + typeOfEntry);



Performance Timeline
# dom-performanceentry-entrytype

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser