
Type String
Mandatory No

The short_name member is a string that represents the name of the web application displayed to the user if there is not enough space to display name (e.g., as a label for an icon on the phone home screen). short_name is directionality-capable, which means it can be displayed left-to-right or right-to-left based on the value of the dir and lang manifest members.


Simple short_name in left-to-right language:

"name": "Awesome application",
"short_name": "Awesome app"

short_name in Arabic, which will be displayed right-to-left:

"dir": "rtl",
"lang": "ar",
"name": "تطبيق رائع",
"short_name": "رائع"


Web Application Manifest
# short_name-member

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser