For Further Reading

« Transforming XML with XSLT



  • XSLT: Programmer's Reference, Second Edition
    • Author: Michael H. Kay
    • Length: 992 pages
    • Publisher: Wrox; 2 edition (May 3, 2001)
    • ISBN: 0764543814
      • Michael Kay is a member of the W3C XSL Working Group and the developer of his own open-source XSLT processor, Saxon. He is also the author of the only book on this subject to have reached a second edition. This is a very big book, well laid out, and exhaustive, if sometimes exhausting, in detail, covering every possible base in the XSLT story.

  • XSLT
    • Author: Doug Tidwell
    • Length: 473 pages
    • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (August 15, 2001)
    • ISBN: 0596000537
      • Doug Tidwell is a senior developer at IBM and a prominent evangelist for XML technologies generally. He is the author of several articles and tutorials on various aspects of XML at IBM's extensive XML developer site. This book is somewhat less comprehensive than Michael Kay's, but it covers the basics well, and offers some intriguing examples.

  • Learning XML, Second Edition
    • Author: Erik T. Ray
    • Length: 432 pages
    • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 2 edition (September 22, 2003)
    • ISBN: 0596004206
      • As the title indicates, this is an overview of XML generally. Chapter 6 is devoted specifically to XSLT.




