
An HTTP method is idempotent if an identical request can be made once or several times in a row with the same effect while leaving the server in the same state. In other words, an idempotent method should not have any side-effects (except for keeping statistics). Implemented correctly, the GET, HEAD, PUT, and DELETE methods are idempotent, but not the POST method. All safe methods are also idempotent.

To be idempotent, only the actual back-end state of the server is considered, the status code returned by each request may differ: the first call of a DELETE will likely return a 200, while successive ones will likely return a 404. Another implication of DELETE being idempotent is that developers should not implement RESTful APIs with a delete last entry functionality using the DELETE method.

Note that the idempotence of a method is not guaranteed by the server and some applications may incorrectly break the idempotence constraint.

GET /pageX HTTP/1.1 is idempotent. Called several times in a row, the client gets the same results:

GET /pageX HTTP/1.1
GET /pageX HTTP/1.1
GET /pageX HTTP/1.1
GET /pageX HTTP/1.1

POST /add_row HTTP/1.1 is not idempotent; if it is called several times, it adds several rows:

POST /add_row HTTP/1.1
POST /add_row HTTP/1.1   -> Adds a 2nd row
POST /add_row HTTP/1.1   -> Adds a 3rd row

DELETE /idX/delete HTTP/1.1 is idempotent, even if the returned status code may change between requests:

DELETE /idX/delete HTTP/1.1   -> Returns 200 if idX exists
DELETE /idX/delete HTTP/1.1   -> Returns 404 as it just got deleted
DELETE /idX/delete HTTP/1.1   -> Returns 404

See also