Firefox 95 for developers

This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 95 that will affect developers. Firefox 95 was released on December 7, 2021.

Changes for web developers


  • The inputmode global attribute is now supported on all platforms, instead of just Android. This provides a hint to browsers about the type of virtual keyboard that would be best suited to editing a particular element (bug 1205133).


  • The CSS cursor property is now supported on Firefox for Android, making it easier for Android users with a mouse to determine which elements are clickable (bug 1672609).


No notable changes


Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio

WebDriver conformance (Marionette)

  • The port used by Marionette is now written to the MarionetteActivePort file in the profile directory. This can be used to easily retrieve the port, which before was only possible by parsing the prefs.js file of the profile. (bug 1735162).
  • WebDriver:NewSession now waits for the initial tab to have completed loading to prevent unexpected unloads of the window proxy. (bug 1736323).

Changes for add-on developers

  • Added overrideContentColorScheme in browserSettings to provide the ability to control the preference layout.css.prefers-color-scheme.content-override and set pages' preferred color scheme (light or dark) independently of the browser theme (bug 1733461).

Older versions