The range
property of the CSSCounterStyleRule
interface gets and sets the value of the range
descriptor. If the descriptor does not have a value set, this attribute returns an empty string.
The following example shows a @counter-style
rule. In JavaScript, myRules[0]
is this @counter-style
rule, returning range
gives us the value "2 4, 7 9".
@counter-style range-multi-example {
system: cyclic;
symbols: "\25A0" "\25A1";
range: 2 4, 7 9;
let myRules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
console.log(myRules[0].range); // "2 4, 7 9"
Specification |
CSS Counter Styles Level 3 # dom-csscounterstylerule-range |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser