
The CryptoKeyPair dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents a key pair for an asymmetric cryptography algorithm, also known as a public-key algorithm.

A CryptoKeyPair object can be obtained using SubtleCrypto.generateKey(), when the selected algorithm is one of the asymmetric algorithms: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, RSA-PSS, RSA-OAEP, ECDSA, or ECDH.

It contains two properties, which are both CryptoKey objects: a privateKey property containing the private key and a publicKey property containing the public key.



A CryptoKey object representing the private key. For encryption and decryption algorithms, this key is used to decrypt. For signing and verification algorithms it is used to sign.


A CryptoKey object representing the public key. For encryption and decryption algorithms, this key is used to encrypt. For signing and verification algorithms it is used to verify signatures.


The examples for SubtleCrypto methods often use CryptoKeyPair objects. For example:


Specification Status Comment
Web Cryptography API Recommendation

See also