
The FontFace interface represents a single usable font face. It allows control of the source of the font face, being a URL to an external resource, or a buffer; it also allows control of when the font face is loaded and its current status.



Constructs and returns a new FontFace object, built from an external resource described by a URL or from an ArrayBuffer.



A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the ascent metric of the font. It is equivalent to the ascent-override descriptor.


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the descent metric of the font. It is equivalent to the descent-override descriptor.


A CSSOMString that determines how a font face is displayed based on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use.

A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the family of the font. It is equivalent to the font-family descriptor.


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets infrequently used font features that are not available from a font's variant properties. It is equivalent to the font-feature-settings descriptor.


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the line-gap metric of the font. It is equivalent to the line-gap-override descriptor.

FontFace.loaded Read only

Returns a Promise that resolves with the current FontFace object when the font specified in the object's constructor is done loading or rejects with a SyntaxError.

FontFace.status Read only

Returns an enumerated value indicating the status of the font, one of "unloaded", "loading", "loaded", or "error".


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets how the font stretches. It is equivalent to the font-stretch descriptor.

A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the style of the font. It is equivalent to the font-style descriptor.


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the range of unicode codepoints encompassing the font. It is equivalent to the unicode-range descriptor.


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the variant of the font. It is equivalent to the font-variant descriptor.


A CSSOMString that retrieves or sets the variation settings of the font. It is equivalent to the font-variation-settings descriptor.


A CSSOMString that contains the weight of the font. It is equivalent to the font-weight descriptor.


Loads a font based on current object's constructor-passed requirements, including a location or source buffer, and returns a Promise that resolves with the current FontFace object.


CSS Font Loading Module Level 3
# fontface-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also