
The IntersectionObserverEntry interface of the Intersection Observer API describes the intersection between the target element and its root container at a specific moment of transition.

Instances of IntersectionObserverEntry are delivered to an IntersectionObserver callback in its entries parameter; otherwise, these objects can only be obtained by calling IntersectionObserver.takeRecords().


IntersectionObserverEntry.boundingClientRect Read only

Returns the bounds rectangle of the target element as a DOMRectReadOnly. The bounds are computed as described in the documentation for Element.getBoundingClientRect().

IntersectionObserverEntry.intersectionRatio Read only

Returns the ratio of the intersectionRect to the boundingClientRect.

IntersectionObserverEntry.intersectionRect Read only

Returns a DOMRectReadOnly representing the target's visible area.

IntersectionObserverEntry.isIntersecting Read only

A Boolean value which is true if the target element intersects with the intersection observer's root. If this is true, then, the IntersectionObserverEntry describes a transition into a state of intersection; if it's false, then you know the transition is from intersecting to not-intersecting.

IntersectionObserverEntry.rootBounds Read only

Returns a DOMRectReadOnly for the intersection observer's root. Read only

The Element whose intersection with the root changed.

IntersectionObserverEntry.time Read only

A DOMHighResTimeStamp indicating the time at which the intersection was recorded, relative to the IntersectionObserver's time origin.


This interface has no methods.


Intersection Observer
# intersection-observer-entry

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser