
The RTCRtpSender interface provides the ability to control and obtain details about how a particular MediaStreamTrack is encoded and sent to a remote peer.

With it, you can configure the encoding used for the corresponding track, get information about the device's media capabilities, and so forth. You can also obtain access to an RTCDTMFSender which can be used to send DTMF codes (to simulate the user pressing buttons on a telephone's dial pad) to the remote peer.


RTCRtpSender.dtmf Read only

An RTCDTMFSender which can be used to send DTMF tones using telephone-event payloads on the RTP session represented by the RTCRtpSender object. If null, the track and/or the connection doesn't support DTMF. Only audio tracks can support DTMF.

RTCRtpSender.track Read only

The MediaStreamTrack which is being handled by the RTCRtpSender. If track is null, the RTCRtpSender doesn't transmit anything.

RTCRtpSender.transport Read only

The RTCDtlsTransport over which the sender is exchanging the RTP and RTCP packets used to manage transmission of media and control data. This value is null until the transport is established. When bundling is in use, more than transceiver may be sharing the same transport object.

Obsolete properties


This property has been removed; the RTP and RTCP transports have been combined into a single transport. Use the transport property instead.



Returns a RTCRtpParameters object describing the current configuration for the encoding and transmission of media on the track.


Returns a Promise which is fulfilled with a RTCStatsReport which provides statistics data for all outbound streams being sent using this RTCRtpSender.


Applies changes to parameters which configure how the track is encoded and transmitted to the remote peer.


Sets the MediaStream(s) associated with the track being transmitted by this sender.


Attempts to replace the track currently being sent by the RTCRtpSender with another track, without performing renegotiation. This method can be used, for example, to toggle between the front- and rear-facing cameras on a device.

Static methods


Returns an RTCRtpCapabilities object describing the system's capabilities for sending a specified kind of media data.


WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers
# rtcrtpsender-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also