
The test() method of the URLPattern interface takes a URL or object of URL parts, and returns a boolean indicating if the given input matches the current pattern.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers


test(input, baseURL);



The URL or URL parts to match against. This can either be a USVString, or an object providing the individual URL parts. The object members can be any of protocol, username, password, hostname, port, pathname, search, hash, or baseURL. Omitted parts in the object will be treated as empty strings. If the input cannot be parsed, or a relative URL without a base is provided, the method will return null.

baseURL Optional

A USVString representing the base URL to use in cases where input is a relative URL. If not specified, it defaults to undefined. If this parameter cannot be parsed, the method will return false.

Return value

A boolean.


This example shows how to use the test() method to match a URL against a pattern. The example prints the result of the test() calls to the console.

const pattern = new URLPattern('http{s}?://*.example.com/books/:id');

// Absolute URL strings
console.log(pattern.test('https://store.example.com/books/123')); // true
console.log(pattern.test('https://example.com/books/123')); // false

// Relative URL strings
console.log(pattern.test('/books/123', 'http://store.example.com')); // true
console.log(pattern.test('/books/123', 'data:text/plain,hello world!')); // false
console.log(pattern.test('/books/123')); // false

// Structured objects
  pathname: '/books/123',
  baseURL: 'http://store.example.com',
})); // true
  protocol: 'https',
  hostname: 'store.example.com',
  pathname: '/books/123',
})); // true
  protocol: 'file',
  hostname: 'store.example.com',
  pathname: '/books/123',
})); // false


URLPattern API
# dom-urlpattern-test

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • A polyfill of URLPattern is available on GitHub