
The WorkerNavigator interface represents a subset of the Navigator interface allowed to be accessed from a Worker. Such an object is initialized for each worker and is available via the self.navigator property.


The WorkerNavigator interface doesn't inherit any property.

WorkerNavigator.appCodeName Read only

Always returns 'Mozilla', in any browser. This property is kept only for compatibility purposes.

WorkerNavigator.appName Read only

Returns the official name of the browser. Do not rely on this property to return the correct value.

WorkerNavigator.appVersion Read only

Returns the version of the browser as a string. Do not rely on this property to return the correct value.

WorkerNavigator.connectionRead only

Provides a NetworkInformation object containing information about the network connection of a device.

WorkerNavigator.hardwareConcurrencyRead only

Returns the number of logical processor cores available.

WorkerNavigator.language Read only

Returns a DOMString representing the preferred language of the user, usually the language of the browser UI. The null value is returned when this is unknown.

WorkerNavigator.languages Read only

Returns an array of DOMString representing the languages known to the user, by order of preference.

WorkerNavigator.locks Read only

Returns a LockManager object which provides methods for requesting a new Lock object and querying for an existing Lock object.

WorkerNavigator.onLineRead only

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the browser is online.

WorkerNavigator.permissions Read only

Returns a Permissions object that can be used to query and update permission status of APIs covered by the Permissions API.

WorkerNavigator.platform Read only

Returns a string representing the platform of the browser. Do not rely on this property to return the correct value.

WorkerNavigator.product Read only

Always returns 'Gecko', on any browser. This property is kept only for compatibility purposes.

WorkerNavigator.serial Read only

Returns a Serial object, which represents the entry point into the Web Serial API to enable the control of serial ports.

WorkerNavigator.storageRead only

Returns a StorageManager interface for managing persistance permissions and estimating available storage.

WorkerNavigator.userAgentRead only

Returns the user agent string for the current browser.

WorkerNavigator.userAgentData Read only

Returns a NavigatorUAData object, which gives access to information about the browser and operating system of the user.


The WorkerNavigator interface neither inherits nor implements any method.


HTML Standard
# the-workernavigator-object

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also