
The Intl.Locale.prototype.minimize() method attempts to remove information about the locale that would be added by calling Locale.maximize().



Return value

A Locale instance whose baseName property returns the result of the Remove Likely Subtags algorithm executed against locale.baseName.


This method carries out the reverse of maximize(), removing any language, script, or region subtags from the locale language identifier (essentially the contents of baseName). This is useful when there are superfluous subtags in the language identifier; for instance, "en-Latn" can be simplified to "en", since "Latn" is the only script used to write English. minimize() only affects the main subtags that comprise the language identifier: language, script, and region subtags. Other subtags after the "-u" in the locale identifier are called extension subtags and are not affected by the minimize() method. Examples of these subtags include Locale.hourCycle, Locale.calendar, and Locale.numeric.


Using minimize

let myLocale = new Intl.Locale("fr-Latn-FR", {hourCycle: "h24", calendar: "gregory"});
console.log(myLocale.baseName); // Prints "fr-Latn-FR"
console.log(myLocale.toString()); // Prints "fr-Latn-FR-u-ca-gregory-hc-h24"

let myLocMinimized = myLocale.minimize();

// Prints "fr", since French is only written in the Latin script
// and is most likely to be spoken in France.

// Prints "fr-u-ca-gregory-hc-h24".
// Note that the extension tags (after "-u") remain unchanged.


ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification
# sec-Intl.Locale.prototype.minimize

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also