
The Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() method returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and number formatting options computed during initialization of this Intl.NumberFormat object.



Return value

A new object with properties reflecting the locale and number formatting options computed during the initialization of the given Intl.NumberFormat object.


The resulting object has the following properties:


The BCP 47 language tag for the locale actually used. If any Unicode extension values were requested in the input BCP 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.


The value provided for this properties in the options argument, if present, or the value requested using the Unicode extension key "nu" or filled in as a default.


The value provided for this property in the options argument, if present, or "standard" filled in as a default.


The value provided for this property in the options argument, or "short" filled in as a default. This property is only present if the notation is set to "compact".


The value provided for this property in the options argument, or "auto" filled in as a default.


The values provided for these properties in the options argument or filled in as defaults.

currency, currencyDisplay

The values provided for these properties in the options argument or filled in as defaults. These properties are only present if style is "currency".

Only one of the following two groups of properties is included:

minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits

The values provided for these properties in the options argument or filled in as defaults. These properties are present only if neither minimumSignificantDigits nor maximumSignificantDigits was provided in the options argument.

minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits

The values provided for these properties in the options argument or filled in as defaults. These properties are present only if at least one of them was provided in the options argument.


Using the resolvedOptions method

var de = new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE');
var usedOptions = de.resolvedOptions();

usedOptions.locale;                // "de-DE"
usedOptions.numberingSystem;       // "latn"
usedOptions.notation;              // "standard"
usedOptions.signDisplay;           // "auto";                 // "decimal"
usedOptions.minimumIntegerDigits;  // 1
usedOptions.minimumFractionDigits; // 0
usedOptions.maximumFractionDigits; // 3
usedOptions.useGrouping;           // true


ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification
# sec-intl.numberformat.prototype.resolvedoptions

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also