
The Intl.Segments.containing() method returns an object describing the segment in the string that includes the code unit at the specified index.




codeUnitIndex Optional

A number specifying the index of the code unit in the original input string. If the value is omitted, it defaults to 0.

Return Value

An object describing the segment of the original string with the following properties, or undefined if the supplied index value is out of bounds.


A string containing the segment extracted from the original input string.


The code unit index in the original input string at which the segment begins.


The complete input string that was segmented.


A boolean value only if granularity is "word"; otherwise, undefined. If granularity is "word", then isWordLike is true when the segment is word-like (i.e., consists of letters/numbers/ideographs/etc.); otherwise, false.


// ā”ƒ0 1 2 3 4 5ā”ƒ6ā”ƒ7ā”ƒ8ā”ƒ9  ā† code unit index
// ā”ƒA l l o n sā”ƒ-ā”ƒyā”ƒ!ā”ƒ   ā† code unit
const input = "Allons-y!";

const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", {granularity: "word"});
const segments = segmenter.segment(input);
let current = undefined;

current = segments.containing();
// ā†’ { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(4);
// ā†’ { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(6);
// ā†’ { index: 6, segment: "-", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// ā†’ { index: 7, segment: "y", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// ā†’ { index: 8, segment: "!", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// ā†’ undefined


ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification
# sec-%segmentsprototype%.containing

Browser compatibility

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