
The columnNumber read-only property of the InterventionReportBody interface returns the line in the source file in which the intervention occurred.

Note: This property is most useful alongside InterventionReportBody.sourceFile and InterventionReportBody.lineNumber as it enables the location of the column in that file and line where the feature is used.


An integer, or null if the column is not known.


In this example we create a new ReportingObserver to observe intervention reports, then print the value of columnNumber to the console.

let options = {
  types: ['intervention'],
  buffered: true

let observer = new ReportingObserver(function(reports, observer) {
  let firstReport = reports[0];
  console.log(firstReport.type); // intervention
  console.log(firstReport.body.sourceFile); // the source file
  console.log(firstReport.body.lineNumber); // the line in that file
  console.log(firstReport.body.columnNumber); // the column in that file.
}, options);


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