
The read-only connectionState property of the RTCPeerConnection interface indicates the current state of the peer connection by returning one of the following string values: new, connecting, connected, disconnected, failed, or closed.

This state essentially represents the aggregate state of all ICE transports (which are of type RTCIceTransport or RTCDtlsTransport) being used by the connection.

When this property's value changes, a connectionstatechange event is sent to the RTCPeerConnection instance.


var connectionState = RTCPeerConnection.connectionState;


A string representing the current state of the connection, that is one of the following literals:


At least one of the connection's ICE transports (RTCIceTransport or RTCDtlsTransport objects) is in the new state, and none of them are in one of the following states: connecting, checking, failed, disconnected, or all of the connection's transports are in the closed state.


One or more of the ICE transports are currently in the process of establishing a connection; that is, their iceConnectionState is either checking or connected, and no transports are in the failed state.


Every ICE transport used by the connection is either in use (state connected or completed) or is closed (state closed); in addition, at least one transport is either connected or completed.


At least one of the ICE transports for the connection is in the disconnected state and none of the other transports are in the state failed, connecting, or checking.


One or more of the ICE transports on the connection is in the failed state.


The RTCPeerConnection is closed.


var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);

/* ... */

var connectionState = pc.connectionState;


WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers
# dom-peerconnection-connection-state

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also