
The read-only sctp property on the RTCPeerConnection interface returns an RTCSctpTransport describing the SCTP transport over which SCTP data is being sent and received. If SCTP hasn't been negotiated, this value is null.

The SCTP transport is used for transmitting and receiving data for any and all RTCDataChannels on the peer connection.


A RTCSctpTransport object describing the SCTP transport being used by the RTCPeerConnection for transmitting and receiving on its data channels, or null if SCTP negotiation hasn't happened.


var pc = new RTCPeerConnection();

var channel = pc.createDataChannel("Mydata");
channel.onopen = function (event) {
  channel.send("sending a message");
channel.onmessage = function (event) {

// Determine the largest message size that can be sent

var sctp = pc.sctp;
var maxMessageSize = sctp.maxMessageSize;


WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers
# dom-rtcpeerconnection-sctp

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also