Feature-Policy: gamepad

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The HTTP Feature-Policy header gamepad directive controls whether the current document is allowed to use the Gamepad API. When this policy is disabled, calls to Navigator.getGamepads() will throw a SecurityError DOMException. In addition, the gamepadconnected and gamepaddisconnected events will not fire.


Feature-Policy: gamepad <allowlist>;

A list of origins for which the feature is allowed. See Feature-Policy.

Default policy

Default allow list for gamepad is 'self'.


General example

SecureCorp Inc. wants to disable the Gamepad API within all browsing contexts except for its own origin and those whose origin is https://example.com. It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a feature policy:

Feature-Policy: gamepad 'self' https://example.com

With an <iframe> element

FastCorp Inc. wants to disable gamepad for all cross-origin child frames, except for a specific <iframe>. It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a feature policy:

Feature-Policy: gamepad 'self'

Then include an allow attribute on the <iframe> element:

<iframe src="https://other.com/game" allow="gamepad"></iframe>

iframe attributes can selectively enable features in certain frames, and not in others, even if those frames contain documents from the same origin.


# permission-policy

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also