
The HTMLFormControlsCollection interface represents a collection of HTML form control elements.

It represents the lists returned by the HTMLFormElement interface's elements property and the HTMLFieldSetElement interface's elements property.

This interface replaces one method from HTMLCollection, on which it is based.

HTMLCollection HTMLFormControlsCollection


This interface inherits the properties of its parent, HTMLCollection.


This interface inherits the methods of its parent, HTMLCollection.


Returns the RadioNodeList or the Element in the collection whose name or id matches the specified name, or null if no nodes match. Note that this version of namedItem() hide the one inherited from HTMLCollection. Like that one, in JavaScript, using the array bracket syntax with a String, like collection["value"] is equivalent to collection.namedItem("value").


HTML Standard
# htmlformcontrolscollection

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also