
The distanceModel property of the PannerNode interface is an enumerated value determining which algorithm to use to reduce the volume of the audio source as it moves away from the listener.

The possible values are:

  • linear: A linear distance model calculating the gain induced by the distance according to: 1 - rolloffFactor * (distance - refDistance) / (maxDistance - refDistance)
  • inverse: An inverse distance model calculating the gain induced by the distance according to: refDistance / (refDistance + rolloffFactor * (Math.max(distance, refDistance) - refDistance))
  • exponential: An exponential distance model calculating the gain induced by the distance according to: pow((Math.max(distance, refDistance) / refDistance, -rolloffFactor).

inverse is the default value of distanceModel.


A enum — see DistanceModelType.


See BaseAudioContext.createPanner() for example code.


Web Audio API
# dom-pannernode-distancemodel

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also