
The read-only RTCDataChannel property label returns a DOMString containing a name describing the data channel. These labels are not required to be unique.

You may use the label as you wish; you could use it to identify all the channels that are being used for the same purpose, by giving them all the same name. Or you could give each channel a unique label for tracking purposes. It's entirely up to the design decisions made when building your site or app.

A unique ID can be found in the id property.

Note: A data channel's label is set when the channel is created by calling RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel(). It cannot be changed after that.


var name = aDataChannel.label;


A string identifier assigned by the Web site or app when the data channel was created, as specified when RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel() was called to create the channel.


This sample creates a data channel on an RTCPeerConnection, then, some time later, sets the content of a UI element to display the channel's name.

var pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
var dc = pc.createDataChannel("my channel");

/* ... */

document.getElementById("channel-name").innerHTML =
          "<span class='channelName'>" + dc.label + "</span>";


WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers
# dom-datachannel-label

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also