
The RTCIceCandidateStats dictionary's deleted property indicates whether or not the candidate has been deleted or released.


A Boolean value indicating whether or not the candidate has been deleted or released. If this value is true, the candidate described by the RTCIceCandidateStats object is no longer under consideration. dThe exact meaning varies depending on the type of candidate:

Local candidate

A value of true means the candidate has been deleted as described by RFC 5245: 8.3.

Host candidate

A value of true indicates that the candidate's network resources have been released. This generally mean that any associated socket(s) have been closed and released.

Remote (TURN) candidate

A value of true means the candidate's TURN allocation is no longer active.

The net result is the same; the candidate is no longer under consideration if this value is true.


In this example, setInterval() is used to set up a function that runs periodically to display the latest statistics for candidates. Only candidates which have not been deleted are included in the output.

window.setInterval(function() {
  myPeerConnection.getStats(null).then(stats => {
    let statsOutput = "";

    stats.forEach(report => {
      if ((stats.type === "local-candidate" || stats.type === "remote.candidate") && !stats.deleted) {
        statsOutput += `<h2>Report: ${report.type}</h3>\n<strong>ID:</strong> ${report.id}<br>\n` +
                       `<strong>Timestamp:</strong> ${report.timestamp}<br>\n`;

        // Now the statistics for this report; we intentionally drop the ones we
        // sorted to the top above

        Object.keys(report).forEach(statName => {
          if (statName !== "id" && statName !== "timestamp" && statName !== "type") {
            statsOutput += `<strong>${statName}:</strong> ${report[statName]}<br>\n`;

    document.querySelector(".stats-box").innerHTML = statsOutput;
}, 1000);


Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API
# dom-rtcicecandidatestats-deleted

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser