
The ResizeObserverEntry interface represents the object passed to the ResizeObserver() constructor's callback function, which allows you to access the new dimensions of the Element or SVGElement being observed.


ResizeObserverEntry.borderBoxSize Read only

An object containing the new border box size of the observed element when the callback is run.

ResizeObserverEntry.contentBoxSize Read only

An object containing the new content box size of the observed element when the callback is run.

ResizeObserverEntry.devicePixelContentBoxSize Read only

An object containing the new content box size in device pixels of the observed element when the callback is run.

ResizeObserverEntry.contentRect Read only

A DOMRectReadOnly object containing the new size of the observed element when the callback is run. Note that this is better supported than the above two properties, but it is left over from an earlier implementation of the Resize Observer API, is still included in the spec for web compat reasons, and may be deprecated in future versions. Read only

A reference to the Element or SVGElement being observed.

Note: The content box is the box in which content can be placed, meaning the border box minus the padding and border width. The border box encompasses the content, padding, and border. See The box model for further explanation.




The following snippet is taken from the resize-observer-text.html (see source) example. This uses a simple feature detection test to see if the browser supports the newer contentBoxSize property — if so, it uses that to get the sizing data it needs. If not, it uses the older contentRect property.

const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
  for (let entry of entries) {
    if(entry.contentBoxSize) { = Math.max(1.5, entry.contentBoxSize.inlineSize/200) + 'rem'; = Math.max(1, entry.contentBoxSize.inlineSize/600) + 'rem';
    } else { = Math.max(1.5, entry.contentRect.width/200) + 'rem'; = Math.max(1, entry.contentRect.width/600) + 'rem';



Resize Observer
# resize-observer-entry-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser