
All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface.

EventTarget Node Element SVGElement


Also inherits properties from: DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, Element, GlobalEventHandlers, SVGElementInstance

SVGElement.attributeStyleMapRead only

A StylePropertyMap representing the declarations of the element's style attribute.

SVGElement.datasetRead only

A DOMStringMap object which provides a list of key/value pairs of named data attributes which correspond to custom data attributes attached to the element. These can also be defined in SVG using attributes of the form data-*, where * is the key name for the pair. This works just like HTML's HTMLElement.dataset property and HTML's data-* global attribute.

SVGElement.className Read only

An SVGAnimatedString that reflects the value of the class attribute on the given element, or the empty string if class is not present. This attribute is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of this specification. Authors are advised to use Element.classList instead.


Returns the cryptographic number used once that is used by Content Security Policy to determine whether a given fetch will be allowed to proceed.

SVGElement.ownerSVGElementRead only

An SVGSVGElement referring to the nearest ancestor <svg> element. null if the given element is the outermost <svg> element.

A CSSStyleDeclaration representing the declarations of the element's style attribute.


The position of the element in the tabbing order.

SVGElement.viewportElementRead only

The SVGElement, which established the current viewport. Often, the nearest ancestor <svg> element. null if the given element is the outermost <svg> element.


This interface has no methods, but inherits methods from: DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, Element, GlobalEventHandlers, SVGElementInstance


Listen to these events using addEventListener() or by assigning an event listener to the equivalent on... handler property defined on GlobalEventHandlers or WindowEventHandlers.


Fired when page loading is stopped before an SVG element has been allowed to load completely. Also available via the onabort property.


Fired when an SVG element does not load properly or when an error occurs during script execution. Also available via the onerror property.


Fires on an SVGElement when it is loaded in the browser. Also available via the onload property.


Fired when an SVG document is being resized. Also available via the onresize property.


Fired when an SVG document view is being shifted along the X and/or Y axes. Also available via the onscroll property.


Fired when the DOM implementation removes an SVG document from a window or frame. Also available via the onunload property.


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition)
# InterfaceSVGElement

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also