
The SVGFilterElement interface provides access to the properties of <filter> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.

EventTarget Node Element SVGElement SVGFilterElement


SVGFilterElement.href Read only

An SVGAnimatedString that corresponds to the href or xlink:href attribute of the given <filter> element.

SVGFilterElement.filterUnits Read only

An SVGAnimatedEnumeration that corresponds to the filterUnits attribute of the given <filter> element. Takes one of the constants defined in SVGUnitTypes.

SVGFilterElement.primitiveUnits Read only

An SVGAnimatedEnumeration that corresponds to the primitiveUnits attribute of the given <filter> element. Takes one of the constants defined in SVGUnitTypes.

SVGFilterElement.x Read only

An SVGAnimatedLength that corresponds to the x attribute on the given <filter> element.

SVGFilterElement.y Read only

An SVGAnimatedLength that corresponds to the y attribute of the given <filter> element.

SVGFilterElement.width Read only

An SVGAnimatedLength that corresponds to the width attribute of the given <filter> element.

SVGFilterElement.height Read only

An SVGAnimatedLength that corresponds to the height attribute of the given <filter> element.

SVGFilterElement.filterResX Read only

An SVGAnimatedInteger that contains the X component of the filterRes attribute of the given <filter> element.

SVGFilterElement.filterResY Read only

An SVGAnimatedInteger that contains the Y component of the filterRes attribute of the given <filter> element.



Sets the values of the filterRes attribute.


Filter Effects Module Level 2
# InterfaceSVGFilterElement

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also