Selection API

Note: This API is not available in Web Workers (not exposed via WorkerNavigator).

The Selection API enables developers to access and manipulate the portion of a document selected by the user.

The Window.getSelection() and Document.getSelection() methods return a Selection object representing the portion of the document selected by the user. A Selection object provides methods to:

  • access the currently selected nodes
  • modify the current selection, expanding or collapsing it or selecting an entirely different part of the document
  • delete parts of the current selection from the DOM.

The Selection API also provides two events, both firing on Document:

  • the selectstart event is fired when the user starts to make a new selection
  • the selectionchange event is fired when the current selection changes.



An interface which represents the part of the document selected by the user or the current position of the caret.


A method returning a Selection object representing the current selection or current position of the caret.


A method returning a Selection object representing the current selection or current position of the caret.


An event which is fired when the current selection is changed.


An event which is fired when a user starts a new selection.


Selection API
# selection-interface