
The Text interface represents a text node in a DOM tree.

EventTarget Node CharacterData Text

To understand what a text node is, consider the following document:

<html class="e"><head><title>Aliens?</title></head>
 <body>Why yes.

In that document, there are three text nodes, with the following contents:

  • "Aliens?" (the contents of the title element)
  • "\n" (after the </head> end tag, a newline followed by a space)
  • "Why yes.\n" (the contents of the body element)

Each of those text nodes is an object that has the properties and methods documented in this article.



Returns a new Text node with the parameter as its textual content.


Inherits properties from its parents, CharacterData, Node, and EventTarget.

Text.assignedSlot Read only

Returns a HTMLSlotElement representing the <slot> the node is inserted in.

Text.wholeText Read only

Returns a DOMString containing the text of all Text nodes logically adjacent to this Node, concatenated in document order.


Inherits methods from its parent, CharacterData, Node, and EventTarget.


Replaces the text of the current node and all logically adjacent nodes with the specified text.


Breaks the node into two nodes at a specified offset.


DOM Standard
# interface-text

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also