TextTrack: cuechange event

The cuechange event fires when a TextTrack has changed the currently displaying cues. The event is fired on both the TextTrack and the HTMLTrackElement in which it's being presented, if any.


Use the event name in methods like addEventListener(), or set an event handler property.

addEventListener('cuechange', event => { })

oncuechange = event => { }

Event type

A generic Event with no added properties.


You can set up a listener for the cuechange event on a TextTrack using the addEventListener() method:

track.addEventListener('cuechange', function () {
  let cues = track.activeCues;  // array of current cues

Or you can set the oncuechange event handler property:

track.oncuechange = event => {
  let cues = track.activeCues; // array of current cues


HTML Standard
# event-media-cuechange
HTML Standard
# handler-texttrack-oncuechange

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also