XMLHttpRequest: abort event

The abort event is fired when a request has been aborted, for example because the program called XMLHttpRequest.abort().


Use the event name in methods like addEventListener(), or set an event handler property.

addEventListener('abort', event => { })

onabort = event => { }

Event type

An ProgressEvent. Inherits from Event.

Event ProgressEvent

Event properties

In addition to the properties listed below, properties from the parent interface, Event, are available.

lengthComputable Read only

A boolean flag indicating if the total work to be done, and the amount of work already done, by the underlying process is calculable. In other words, it tells if the progress is measurable or not.

loaded Read only

A 64-bit unsigned integer value indicating the amount of work already performed by the underlying process. The ratio of work done can be calculated by dividing total by the value of this property. When downloading a resource using HTTP, this only counts the body of the HTTP message, and doesn't include headers and other overhead.

total Read only

A 64-bit unsigned integer representing the total amount of work that the underlying process is in the progress of performing. When downloading a resource using HTTP, this is the Content-Length (the size of the body of the message), and doesn't include the headers and other overhead.


Live example


<div class="controls">
    <input class="xhr success" type="button" name="xhr" value="Click to start XHR (success)" />
    <input class="xhr error" type="button" name="xhr" value="Click to start XHR (error)" />
    <input class="xhr abort" type="button" name="xhr" value="Click to start XHR (abort)" />

<textarea readonly class="event-log"></textarea>


const xhrButtonSuccess = document.querySelector('.xhr.success');
const xhrButtonError = document.querySelector('.xhr.error');
const xhrButtonAbort = document.querySelector('.xhr.abort');
const log = document.querySelector('.event-log');

function handleEvent(e) {
    log.textContent = log.textContent + `${e.type}: ${e.loaded} bytes transferred\n`;

function addListeners(xhr) {
    xhr.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent);
    xhr.addEventListener('load', handleEvent);
    xhr.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent);
    xhr.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent);
    xhr.addEventListener('error', handleEvent);
    xhr.addEventListener('abort', handleEvent);

function runXHR(url) {
    log.textContent = '';

    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open("GET", url);
    return xhr;

xhrButtonSuccess.addEventListener('click', () => {

xhrButtonError.addEventListener('click', () => {

xhrButtonAbort.addEventListener('click', () => {



XMLHttpRequest Standard
# event-xhr-abort
XMLHttpRequest Standard
# handler-xhr-onabort

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also