
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The interface XRInputSourceArray represents a live list of WebXR input sources, and is used as the return value of the XRSession property inputSources. Each entry is an XRInputSource representing one input device connected to the WebXR system.

In addition to being able to access the input sources in the list using standard array notation (that is, with index numbers inside square brackets), methods are available to allow the use of iterators and the forEach() method is also available.


The following properties are available on XRInputSourceArray objects.

length Read only

The number of XRInputSource objects in the list.


The following methods are available on XRInputSourceArray objects. You may also use the features of the Symbol type.


Returns an iterator you can use to walk the list of key/value pairs in the list. Each item returned is an array whose first value is the index and whose second value is the XRInputSource at that index.


Iterates over each item in the list, in order from first to last.


A list of the keys corresponding to the entries in the input source list.


Returns an iterator you can use to go through all the values in the list. Each item is a single XRInputSource object.

In addition to these methods, you may use array notation to access items in the list by index For example, the snippet of code below calls a function handleInput(), passing into it the first item in the input source list, if the list isn't empty.

let sources = xrSession.inputSources;
if (sources.length > 0) {



WebXR Device API
# xrinputsourcearray-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser