
The aria-rowindextext attribute defines a human-readable text alternative of aria-rowindex.


When you have a very long table or when you purposefully want to display just a section of a table, not all rows may be present in the DOM. When this happens, we use the aria-rowcount with an integer value to define how many rows the table (or grid) would have if all the rows were present and add the aria-rowindex property on each row and spanning cell to provide information on the row index within that larger table. When the value of aria-rowindex is not meaningful or does not reflect the displayed index, we can also add the aria-rowindextext to provide a human readable text alternative to the aria-rowindex integer value.

The aria-rowindextext should only be included in addition to, not as a replacement of, the aria-rowindex. Some assistive technologies use the numeric row index for the purpose of keeping track of the user's position or providing alternative table navigation. The aria-rowindextext is useful if that integer value isn't meaningful or does not reflect the displayed index, such as a game of Chess or Battleship.

The aria-rowindextext is added to each <row> or to elements with the row role. It can also be addition to cells or owned elements of each row.


  • <string>



The ariaRowIndexText property, part of the Element interface, reflects the value of the aria-rowindextext attribute.


The ariaRowIndexText property, part of the ElementInternals interface, reflects the value of the aria-rowindextext attribute.

Associated roles

Used in roles:

Inherited into roles:


Specification Status
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1
The definition of 'ARIA: aria-rowindextext Attribute' in that specification.

See Also