
The aria-valuemin attribute defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget.


The aria-valuemin attribute defines the minimum value allowed for range widgets. It is similar to the min attribute of <progress>, <meter>, and <input> of type range, number and all the date-time types.

When creating a range type role, including meter, scrollbar, slider, and spinbutton on a non-semantic element, the aria-valuemin enables defining a minimum that is less than the maximum value and is a required attribute of slider, scrollbar and spinbutton.

Declaring the minimum and maximum values allows assistive technologies to convey the size of the range to users.

The maximum value is defined with aria-valuemax.

Warning: The range role itself should NOT be used as it is an "abstract". The aria-valuemin attribute is used on all of the range roles subtypes.



A decimal number, below the maximum value.



The ariaValueMin property, part of the Element interface, reflects the value of the aria-valuemin attribute.


The ariaValueMin property, part of the ElementInternals interface, reflects the value of the aria-valuemin attribute.

Associated roles

Used in roles:

Inherited into roles:


Specification Status
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1
The definition of 'ARIA: aria-valuemin Attribute' in that specification.

See Also