ARIA: meter role

The meter role is used to identify an element being used as a meter.

Note: Where possible, it is recommended that you use a native <meter> element rather than the meter role, as native elements are more widely supported by user agents and assistive technology.


A meter is a graphical display of a numeric value within a defined range. For example, showing battery percentage. A meter is not appropriate for values that do not have a meaningful maximum limit. Meters should not be used to indicate progress (for example loading), this should be communicated with the <progress> element.

Each element with role="meter" must also have one of the following:

All descendants are presentational

There are some types of user interface components that, when represented in a platform accessibility API, can only contain text. Accessibility APIs do not have a way of representing semantic elements contained in a meter. To deal with this limitation, browsers, automatically apply role presentation to all descendant elements of any meter element as it is a role that does not support semantic children.

For example, consider the following meter element, which contains a heading.

<div role="meter"><h3>Title of my meter</h3></div>

Because descendants of meter are presentational, the following code is equivalent:

<div role="meter"><h3 role="presentation">Title of my meter</h3></div>

From the assistive technology user's perspective, the heading does not exist since the previous code snippets are equivalent to the following in the accessibility tree.:

<div role="meter">Title of my meter</div>

Associated ARIA roles, states, and properties


Set to a decimal value between aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax indicating the current value of the meter.


Assistive technologies often present the value of aria-valuenow as a percentage. If this would not be accurate use this property to make the meter value understandable.


Set to a decimal value representing the minimum value, and less than aria-valuemax.


Set to a decimal value representing the maximum value, and greater than aria-valuemin.

It is recommended to use a native <meter> element rather than the meter role. User agents provide a stylize widget for the <meter> element based on the current value as it relates to the min and max values. When using non-semantic elements, all features of the native semantic element need to be recreated with ARIA attributes, JavaScript and CSS.


An example of a meter using role="meter":

<div role="meter"
  <svg xmlns=""
    aria-hidden="true" style="width: 90%">
    <rect x="0"

In the above scenario, when the aria-valuenow value updates, the width of the SVG also needs to be updated as can be seen in the W3C working meter example.


Specification Status
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.2
The definition of 'meter' in that specification.
Working Draft

See also