<caption>: The Table Caption element

The <caption> HTML element specifies the caption (or title) of a table.

Content categories None.
Permitted content Flow content.
Tag omission The end tag can be omitted if the element is not immediately followed by ASCII whitespace or a comment.
Permitted parents A <table> element, as its first descendant.
Implicit ARIA role No corresponding role
Permitted ARIA roles No role permitted
DOM interface HTMLTableCaptionElement


This element includes the global attributes.

Deprecated attributes

The following attributes are deprecated and should not be used. They are documented below for reference when updating existing code and for historical interest only.


This enumerated attribute indicates how the caption must be aligned with respect to the table. It may have one of the following values:


The caption is displayed to the left of the table.


The caption is displayed above the table.

The caption is displayed to the right of the table.


The caption is displayed below the table.

Warning: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated. The <caption> element should be styled using the CSS properties caption-side and text-align.

Usage notes

If used, the <caption> element must be the first child of its parent <table> element.

When the <table> element that contains the <caption> is the only descendant of a <figure> element, you should use the <figcaption> element instead of <caption>.

A background-color on the table will not include the caption. Add a background-color to the <caption> element as well if you want the same color to be behind both.


This simple example presents a table that includes a caption.

  <caption>Example Caption</caption>


HTML Standard
# the-caption-element

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also