
The MathML <mspace> element is used to display a blank space, whose size is set by its attributes.


class, id, style

Provided for use with stylesheets.


The desired depth (below the baseline) of the space (see length for values and units).


A Boolean value specifying whether more vertical space is used for displayed equations or, if set to false, a more compact layout is used to display formulas. The main effect is that larger versions of operators are displayed, when displaystyle is set to true. See also movablelimits on <mo>.


The desired height (above the baseline) of the space (see length for values and units).


The background color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.


The desired width of the space (see length for values and units).

Note that some common attributes like mathcolor, mathvariant or dir have no effect on <mspace>.



  <mspace depth="40px" height="20px" />

  <mspace width="100px" />



MathML Core
# space-mspace

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

Gecko-specific notes

  • Indentation attributes are not implemented yet (for Gecko see bug 534962).
  • Support for negative values for the width attribute has been implemented in Gecko 23.0 (Firefox 23.0 / Thunderbird 23.0 / SeaMonkey 2.20).

See also