
The MathML <mtable> element allows you to create tables or matrices. Inside a <mtable> only <mtr> and <mtd> elements may appear. These elements are similar to <table> , <tr> and <td> elements of HTML.

Note: The <mtable> element resets the displaystyle attribute to false. If you want to use this element as an inline-block, you might want to set <mtable displaystyle="true">...</mtable>.



Specifies the vertical alignment of the table with respect to its environment. Possible values are:

  • axis (default): The vertical center of the table aligns on the environment's axis (typically the minus sign).
  • baseline: The vertical center of the table aligns on the environment's baseline.
  • bottom: The bottom of the table aligns on the environments baseline.
  • center: See baseline.
  • top: The top of the table aligns on the environments baseline.

In addition, values of the align attribute can end with a rownumber (e.g. align="center 3"). This allows you to align the specified row of the table rather than the whole table. A negative Integer value counts rows from the bottom of the table. Starting with Gecko 8.0 (Firefox 8.0 / Thunderbird 8.0 / SeaMonkey 2.5) the interpretation of negative values has been corrected (bug 601436). In Gecko 17.0 (Firefox 17.0 / Thunderbird 17.0 / SeaMonkey 2.14) the parsing has been updated to treat whitespace correctly.

class, id, style

Provided for use with stylesheets.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cells. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding columns (e.g. columnalign="left right center"). Possible values are: left, center (default) and right.


Specifies column borders. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding columns (e.g. columnlines="none none solid"). Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.


Specifies the space between table columns.


A Boolean value specifying whether more vertical space is used for displayed equations or, if set to false, a more compact layout is used to display formulas. The main effect is that larger versions of operators are displayed, when displaystyle is set to true.


Specifies borders of the entire table. Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.


Specifies additional space added between the table and frame.


Used to set a hyperlink to a specified URI.


The background color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.


The text color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.


Specifies the vertical alignment of the cells. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding rows (e.g. rowalign="top bottom axis"). Possible values are: axis, baseline (default), bottom, center and top.


Specifies row borders. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding rows (e.g. rowlines="none none solid"). Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.

Unimplemented rowspacing

Specifies the space between table rows.


Specifies the width of the entire table. Accepts length values.


Alignment with row number



    <mtable frame="solid" rowlines="solid" align="axis 3">



MathML Core
# table-or-matrix-mtable

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also