
The HTMLIFrameElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of inline frame elements.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement HTMLIFrameElement


Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.


A string that specifies the alignment of the frame with respect to the surrounding context.


A list of origins the frame is allowed to display content from. This attribute also accepts the values self and src which represent the origin in the iframe's src attribute. The default value is src.


A boolean value indicating whether the inline frame is willing to be placed into full screen mode. See Using fullscreen mode for details.


A boolean value indicating whether the Payment Request API may be invoked inside a cross-origin iframe.

HTMLIFrameElement.contentDocument Read only

Returns a Document, the active document in the inline frame's nested browsing context.

HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow Read only

Returns a WindowProxy, the window proxy for the nested browsing context.


Specifies the Content Security Policy that an embedded document must agree to enforce upon itself.


An optional DOMString representing a hint given to the browser on how it should prioritize fetching of the iframe document relative to other iframe documents. If this value is provided, it must be one of the possible permitted values: high to fetch at a high priority, low to fetch at a low priority, or auto to indicate no preference (which is the default).


A string that indicates whether to create borders between frames.


A string that reflects the height HTML attribute, indicating the height of the frame.


A string that contains the URI of a long description of the frame.


A string being the height of the frame margin.


A string being the width of the frame margin.

A string that reflects the name HTML attribute, containing a name by which to refer to the frame.

HTMLIFrameElement.featurePolicy Read only

Returns the FeaturePolicy interface which provides a simple API for introspecting the feature policies applied to a specific document.


A string that reflects the referrerpolicy HTML attribute indicating which referrer to use when fetching the linked resource.


A DOMTokenList that reflects the sandbox HTML attribute, indicating extra restrictions on the behavior of the nested content.


A string that indicates whether the browser should provide scrollbars for the frame.


A string that reflects the src HTML attribute, containing the address of the content to be embedded. Note that programmatically removing an <iframe>'s src attribute (e.g. via Element.removeAttribute()) causes about:blank to be loaded in the frame in Firefox (from version 65), Chromium-based browsers, and Safari/iOS.


A string that represents the content to display in the frame.


A string that reflects the width HTML attribute, indicating the width of the frame.


Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.


HTML Standard
# htmliframeelement

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • The HTML element implementing this interface: <iframe>