
The read-only VideoTrack property label returns a string specifying the video track's human-readable label, if one is available; otherwise, it returns an empty string.


A DOMString specifying the track's human-readable label, if one is available in the track metadata. Otherwise, an empty string ("") is returned.

For example, a track whose kind is "sign" might have a label such as "A sign-language interpretation.".


This example returns an array of track kinds and labels for potential use in a user interface to select video tracks for a specified media element. The list is filtered to only allow certain track kinds through.

function getTrackList(el) {
  var trackList = [];
  const wantedKinds = [
    "main", "alternative", "commentary"

  el.videoTracks.forEach(function(track) {
    if (wantedKinds.includes(track.kind)) {
        kind: track.kind,
        label: track.label
  return trackList;

The resulting trackList contains an array of video tracks whose kind is one of those in the array wantedKinds, with each entry providing the track's id, kind, and label.


HTML Standard
# dom-videotrack-label-dev

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser