Window: deviceorientation event

The deviceorientation event is fired when fresh data is available from an orientation sensor about the current orientation of the device as compared to the Earth coordinate frame. This data is gathered from a magnetometer inside the device.

See Orientation and motion data explained for details.

This event is not cancelable and does not bubble.


Use the event name in methods like addEventListener(), or set an event handler property.

addEventListener('deviceorientation', event => { });

ondeviceorientation = event => { };

Event type

An DeviceOrientationEvent. Inherits from Event.

Event DeviceOrientationEvent

Event properties

DeviceOrientationEvent.absolute Read only

A boolean that indicates whether the device is providing orientation data absolutely.

DeviceOrientationEvent.alpha Read only

A number representing the motion of the device around the z axis, express in degrees with values ranging from 0 (inclusive) to 360 (exclusive).

DeviceOrientationEvent.beta Read only

A number representing the motion of the device around the x axis, expressed in degrees with values ranging from -180 (inclusive) to 180 (exclusive). This represents the front to back motion of the device.

DeviceOrientationEvent.gamma Read only

A number representing the motion of the device around the y axis, expressed in degrees with values ranging from -90 (inclusive) to 90 (exclusive). This represents the left to right motion of the device.

DeviceOrientationEvent.webkitCompassHeading Read only

A number represents the difference between the motion of the device around the z axis of the world system and the direction of the north, expressed in degrees with values ranging from 0 to 360.

DeviceOrientationEvent.webkitCompassAccuracy Read only

The accuracy of the compass given as a positive or negative deviation. It's usually 10.


if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
    window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function(event) {
        // alpha: rotation around z-axis
        var rotateDegrees = event.alpha;
        // gamma: left to right
        var leftToRight = event.gamma;
        // beta: front back motion
        var frontToBack = event.beta;

        handleOrientationEvent(frontToBack, leftToRight, rotateDegrees);
    }, true);

var handleOrientationEvent = function(frontToBack, leftToRight, rotateDegrees) {
    // do something amazing


DeviceOrientation Event Specification
# deviceorientation

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also