Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The XRRay interface of the WebXR Device API is a geometric ray described by an origin point and a direction vector.

XRRay objects can be passed to XRSession.requestHitTestSource() or XRSession.requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput() to perform hit testing.



Creates a new XRRay object.


XRRay.directionRead only

A DOMPointReadOnly representing the ray's 3-dimensional directional vector.

XRRay.matrixRead only

A transform that can be used to position objects along the XRRay. This is a 4 by 4 matrix given as a 16 element Float32Array in column major order.

XRRay.originRead only

A DOMPointReadOnly representing the 3-dimensional point in space that the ray originates from, in meters.




Using XRRay to request a hit test source

The XRSession.requestHitTestSource() method takes an XRRay object for its offsetRay option. In this example, the hit test source is positioned slightly above the viewer as the application has some UI elements at the bottom while wanting to maintain the perception of a centered cursor.

const xrSession = navigator.xr.requestSession("immersive-ar", {
   requiredFeatures: ["local", "hit-test"]

let hitTestSource = null;

  space: viewerSpace, // obtained from xrSession.requestReferenceSpace("viewer");
  offsetRay: new XRRay({y: 0.5})
}).then((viewerHitTestSource) => {
  hitTestSource = viewerHitTestSource;


WebXR Hit Test Module
# xrray-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also