The read-only name property of the Attr interface returns the qualified name of an attribute, that is the name of the attribute, with the namespace prefix, if any, in front of it. For example, if the local name is lang and the namespace prefix is xml, the returned qualified name is xml:lang.

The qualified name is always in lower case, whatever case at the attribute creation.


A String representing the attribute's qualified name.


The following example displays the qualified name of the first attribute of the two first elements, when we click on the appropriate button.

HTML Content

<svg xml:lang="en-US" class="struct" height="1" width="1">Click me</svg>
<label xml:lang="en-US" class="struct"></label>

<button>Click me for &lt;svg&gt;</button>
<button>Click me for &lt;label&gt;</button>
Qualified name of the attribute <code>xml:lang</code>: <output id="result"><i>None.</i></output>

JavaScript Content

const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("struct");
const buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button");
const result  = document.querySelector("#result");

function handleEvent(element) {
  return function(e) {
    attribute = element.attributes[0];
    result.value =;

let i=0;
for (let button of buttons) {
  button.addEventListener('click', handleEvent(elements[i]));


DOM Standard
# dom-attr-name

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also