
The ariaHasPopup property of the Element interface reflects the value of the aria-haspopup attribute, which indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element.


A DOMString with one of the following values:


The element does not have a popup.


The element has a popup that is a menu.

The element has a popup that is a menu.


The element has a popup that is a listbox.


The element has a popup that is a tree.


The element has a popup that is a grid.


The element has a popup that is a dialog.

Warning: Be aware that support for the different aria-haspopup values can vary depending on the element to which the attribute is specified. Ensure that when using aria-haspopup, it is done in accordance to the ARIA specification, and that it behaves as expected when testing with necessary browsers and assistive technologies.


In this example, the aria-haspopup attribute on the element with an ID of animal is set to "true". Using ariaHasPopup, we update the value to "listbox", which is the expected value for a combobox that invokes a listbox popup.

<div class="animals-combobox">
  <label for="animal">Animal</label>
  <input id="animal" type="text" role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="animals-listbox" aria-activedescendant="" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true">
  <ul id="animals-listbox" role="listbox" aria-label="Animals">
    <li id="animal-cat" role="option">Cat</li>
    <li id="animal-dog" role="option">Dog</li>
let el = document.getElementById('animal');
console.log(el.ariaHasPopup); // true
el.ariaHasPopup = "listbox";
console.log(el.ariaHasPopup); // listbox


Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.2
# dom-ariamixin-ariahaspopup

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser