
The SubmitEvent() constructor creates and returns a new SubmitEvent object, which is used to represent a submit event fired at an HTML form.


new SubmitEvent(type, eventInitDict);



A DOMString indicating the event which occurred. For SubmitEvent, this is always submit.

eventInitDict Optional

An optional dictionary of initial values for the event's properties.

Return value

A SubmitEvent object configured using the given inputs.


This code snippet locates a form in the current document, and then an HTML <button> within the form with the class submit on it. Next, a new SubmitEvent is created, configured with its submitter set to the identified button (or null if the button wasn't found). Then the event is sent to the form, telling the form that it's been submitted by the button.

const form = document.querySelector("form");
const formTrigger = form.querySelector("button.submit");
const submitEvent = new SubmitEvent("submit", { submitter: formTrigger });


This is a somewhat contrived example, as you can do nearly all of this much more easily, but this gives you deep control over the process that can be useful.


HTML Standard
# submitevent

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser