
The XRJointSpace interface is an XRSpace and represents the position and orientation of an XRHand joint.

EventTarget XRSpace XRJointSpace


XRJointSpace.jointName Read only

The name of the joint that is tracked. See XRHand for possible hand joint names.


Using XRJointSpace objects

You can use an XRJointSpace object and an XRReferenceSpace to get an XRJointPose by calling XRFrame.getJointPose().

navigator.xr.requestSession({optionalFeatures: ["hand-tracking"]}).then(
  // ...

function renderFrame(session, frame) {
   // ...

   for (inputSource of session.inputSources) {
      if (inputSource.hand) {
        let indexFingerTipJoint = inputSource.hand.get("index-finger-tip"); // XRJointSpace
        indexFingerTipJoint.jointName; // "index-finger-tip"
        frame.getJointPose(indexFingerTipJoint, referenceSpace); // XRJointPose


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See also